Home Made Chili Powder - Couldn't be
Quicker and Simpler to Make!

Making a basic home made chili powder free of artificial flavours, preservatives and colourings couldn't be easier! Buy a bag of dried peppers, add to your grinder and grind away. See the bottom of the page for more complex chili powder recipes.

The peppers I use in the video are birds eye and are pretty fiery! But that's the beauty of making your own, you can choose any you variety you like, from mild to hot to tongue burningly scorching! 

Home Made Chili Powder Recipe

What You'll Need: (makes about 6-7 tbsp)

1 cup dried peppers (any variety)

tbsp = tablespoon

Note: 1 cup = 16 tbsp


  • Add the peppers to your grinder a few tablespoons at a time and grind away
  • If you want a fine powder put the mix through a sieve
  • If you prefer a coarse blend don't sieve

That's all there is to it! Store in an airtight jar and use within 3 months.

Here's a slideshow of how I made it, both fine and coarse...

Links to Other Chili Seasonings and a Blend You May Like

Chipotle Powder - A
Smoky Mix of Spices
and Chipotle Peppers

California Blend With 
Anaheim Peppers

Seasoning Blends - For 
Tasty Home Cooking

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