Chili Spices Recipe- A Spicy, Complex Seasoning With Subtle Aftertastes

I highly recommend having a go at a making your own homemade chili spices. The flavour, aroma and colour it adds to your food are something special! The ideal way is to buy and use whole dried peppers and grind them yourself, but chili flakes are a good alternative.

Note: When making your seasonings, I advise using whole spices where you can. Sometimes this is not convenient. So, if you don't have whole available, use pre-ground powders but halve the amount you use. So for 2 tablespoons cumin seeds you use 1 tablespoon pre-ground cumin etc.

Homemade Chili Spices

Ingredients: (makes about 1 cup)

15-20 small dried chilis (or 6-8 larger peppers)
OR 6 tbsp flakes
3 tbsp paprika
2 tbsp cumin seeds 
2 tbsp dried oregano
2 tbsp onion flakes 
1 tbsp garlic powder
6-8 whole cloves 
2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp ajwain seeds (optional)
1-2 tsp sea salt

tbsp = tablespoon
tsp = teaspoon


  • Chop the peppers into smaller pieces
  • Finely grind these pieces (or flakes) with the salt, ajwain, cumin, cloves, and onion flakes
  • Sieve into a bowl
  • Add the cinnamon, garlic  and paprika and mix
  • Crumble in the oregano

Store your chili seasoning in an airtight jar out of direct sunlight and use within 3-6 months before making a fresh lot.

Note: To extract even more flavour out of your ingredients, you can lightly toast the cumin seeds and cloves prior to grinding. Click Here for "step-by-step" info and photos on toasting and grinding.

Other Powders and a Different Blend You May Enjoy

Chipotle Powder

California Blend 

Seasoning Blend

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