Quick-n-Easy Homemade Rib Rub
Recipe - Caramelize Those Ribs!

With plenty of brown sugar and a tasty blend of spices and herbs, this rib rub recipe will melt over your ribs causing a delicious, sticky coating! It's a simple mix, and whether you're smoking, grilling or slow roasting will produce fabulous tasting meat. (See the bottom of the page for links to more of my recipes)

Ingredients: (makes about 11-12 tablespoons)

8 tbsp brown sugar
4 tbsp paprika powder
3 tbsp coriander seeds
2 tbsp dried rosemary
1 tbsp mustard powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp salt (see note 2 below)
4 tsp black peppercorns
4 tsp chili powder
4 tsp dried oregano

tbsp = tablespoon
tsp = teaspoon


  • Grind the salt, sugar, rosemary, peppercorns and coriander seeds
  • Add to a bowl 
  • Stir in the paprika, garlic, mustard and chili powders
  • Finally, crumble in the dried oregano and combine thoroughly

Store in a cool place in an airtight jar and out of direct sunlight. Use within 3 months.

Note: You could dry toast the peppercorns and coriander seeds before grinding for even more flavour. Click here for step-by-step tips and photos on how to do this. (Link opens in new window)

Note 2: I recommend using a quality rock/sea/kosher salt as they're less processed and therefore healthier. However you can use regular table salt if that's all you have available.

Ingredient Note: Generally I advise using a few whole spices when your making mixes and blends. Sometimes you may not have all of them to hand. If this is the case, just use pre-ground powders and reduce the quantities by half. For example, 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds equals 1 tablespoon of pre-ground coriander.Reduce any other ingredients you don't have whole by half as well and stir in with any other powders when making.

How to Use This Rib Rub Recipe

This is my preferred way...

...Sprinkle liberally over your meat and massage in.

Put in a sandwich bag or cover with plastic wrap (cling film) and place in the refrigerator for a few hours or, even better, overnight.

An hour or so before cooking remove from the refrigerator and allow the meat to return to room temperature before cooking.

After Making Your Rib Rub Recipe You May Enjoy...

All-Purpose Rub - Perfect
For All Your Favourite Meats

A Pork Loin Rub 
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BBQ Spices Recipes -
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and Barbecuing

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