Rosemary Tea Recipe - Make and Enjoy a
Delicious, Super Healthy Cup of Herbal Tea

Making rosemary tea is a super easy way to enjoy more of this fragrant herb. Used the world over, it has host of medicinal and health benefits and is definitely an ingredient we all should add more of to our diet. Making your own is very quick and simple to do, and in just minutes you'll be enjoying a super healthy herbal tea! (See the bottom of the page for more homemade mixes, seasonings and blends)

What You'll Need For Fresh: (makes 2 cups)

2-3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
A piece of fresh ginger root for grating
A lemon for zesting
Optional sweetener e.g honey/sugar/agave nectar etc
Enough water for 2 cups
A grater/zester


  • Boil the water in a kettle
  • Chop the sprigs (stalks and all)
  • Grate about 2-3 teaspoons of ginger
  • Zest 2-3 teaspoons of lemon peel
  • Now add the chopped rosemary and stalks along with the ginger and lemon to a teapot and pour on the boiled water
  • Give everything a quick stir and let steep for about 7 minutes
  • After steeping, give another quick stir
  • Finally, strain into your cups, and if using, stir in the sweetener

That's it! Serve and enjoy

Click here to see more of my homemade herbal tea recipes. (Link opens in new window)

How to Make Dried Rosemary Tea...

Whilst it dried to make a drink is not quite as good as fresh, you can still get a decent drink with various medicinal and vitality benefits. It's basically the same recipe as above but you use it just like you would with loose tea leaves...

What You'll Need For Dried: (makes 2 cups)

2-3 tbsp of dried rosemary
A piece of fresh ginger root for grating
A lemon for zesting
Optional sweetener e.g honey/sugar/agave nectar etc
Enough water for 2 cups
A grater/zester

tbsp = tablespoon

  • Boil the water
  • Grate about 2-3 teaspoons of ginger
  • Zest 2-3 teaspoons on lemon peel
  • Simply add the dried herb along with the ginger and lemon to a teapot and pour on the boiled water
  • Give everything a quick stir and let steep for about 7 minutes
  • After steeping, give another quick stir
  • Finally, strain into your cups, and if using, stir in the sweetener

That's it! Serve and enjoy

Rosemary TeaHomemade Rosemary Tea

Here's a video of how I made the above rosemary tea recipe. If you enjoyed it, you can click the subscribe button in the bottom right corner in the video, OR, click the subscribe link below the video...

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After Making Your Homemade Rosemary Tea You May Like to Try...

A Range of Homemade 
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