This steak seasoning recipe is a tasty mix of ingredients and whether you're grilling, deep frying, putting in the oven, or whatever your favourite way of preparing your tender cut of beef is, it will add massive flavours and fabulous aromas. (See the bottom of the page for links to more of my recipes)
What You'll Need: (makes about 10 tablespoons)
3 tbsp smoked paprika
2 tbsp coriander seeds
2 tbsp black peppercorns
2 tbsp dried thyme
1 tbsp caraway seeds
1 tbsp mustard powder
4 tsp dried basil
2 tsp onion powder
2-3 tsp salt (see note 2 below)
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp chili powder (add more if you like heat!)
tbsp = tablespoon
tsp = teaspoon
Store this steak seasoning in a cool place, out of direct sunlight and in an airtight jar. Use within 3 months before making a new lot.
Note: You can dry toast the peppercorns and coriander seeds for a few minutes before letting cool and grinding. This draws out even more flavours and aromas and is recommended if you have the time. Click here for info on this. (Link opens in new window)
Note 2: I generally recommend using a quality rock/sea/kosher salt if you have them as they're less processed and will add more flavour to your mix recipes. However, you can use regular table salt if that's all you have available.
Ingredient Note: In this recipe I use a few whole spices as I always have them available. If you don't have them you can substitute with pre-ground powders and reduce the amount the recipe says by half. So, for 2 tablespoons of black peppercorns you would use 1 tablespoon of pre-ground pepper. Reduce any other ingredients you don't have whole by half as well and stir in with any other powders when making.
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