Barbecue Dry Rubs Recipes - Fab Flavours and
Mouthwatering Aromas For Your Barbecued Food

If outdoor grilling is your thing then homemade barbecue dry rubs recipes are just the thing. This blend of herbs, spices and sugar will season beautifully and add fabulous flavours and mouthwatering aromas and can be put together in literally minutes. (See the bottom of the page for links to more of my recipes)

What You'll Need: (makes about 9-10 tablespoons)

3 tbsp paprika powder
2 tbsp coriander seeds 
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp black peppercorns
1 tbsp chili powder
4 tsp dried basil
4 tsp dried rosemary
2 tsp mustard powder
2 tsp salt (see note 2)
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp cumin seeds

tbsp = tablespoon
tsp = teaspoon


  • Grind the dried rosemary, cumin and coriander seeds, peppercorns, sugar and salt 
  • Once ground add to a bowl
  • Add the paprika, chili, mustard, onion and garlic powders to the bowl and combine well
  • Finally, crumble in the dried basil and combine again

Store your dry BBQ rub in a cool place in an airtight jar and out of direct sunlight. Use within 3 months before making a fresh amount.

Note: To make this blend even tastier, then spending a couple of minutes dry toasting the peppercorns, cumin and coriander seeds prior to grinding is recommended. The heat from the toasting releases their oils and therefore more of their flavour. 

Click here to read more about toasting and grinding. (Link opens in new window)

Note 2: You could use any salt for this recipe, however, I do recommend using the best quality salt you can get hold of: sea/rock/flakes/kosher etc as these are a bit less processed and I think add better flavours to your mixes and cooking.. However you can use regular table salt (I sometimes do) if that's all you have available. OR, if you're on a low sodium diet for whatever reason, you can reduce the amount you use, or simply leave it out altogether.

Ingredients Note:
I use a few whole ingredients for my 
barbecue dry rubs recipes as they will add the best flavours. If you don't have them whole, just use pre-ground powders and reduce the amount the recipe requires by half. For example, for 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds you would use 1 tablespoon of pre-ground coriander. Reduce any others you don't have whole by half as well and stir in with any other powders when making.

After Making Your Barbecue Dry Rubs Recipes You May Like to Try...

A Versatile Rub 
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Rib Rub - Fab Flavours
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Masalas For Authentic
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