Homemade Popcorn Seasoning - How to Make
Hot Buttery Corn With a Spicy Fajita Twist

Making your own savoury homemade popcorn seasoning is highly recommended! A quick look in the shops and online and you'll find a whole host of tasty-sounding savoury concoctions: Cajun, curry, Italian and BBQ flavours to name but a few. This is my easy-to-make fajita flavoured mix(See the bottom of the page for links to more of my recipes)

What You'll Need: (makes about 7 tablespoons)

2 tbsp paprika powder
2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp cayenne pepper
1 tbsp garlic powder
4 tsp black peppercorns
2 tsp mustard powder
2 tsp onion powder
1-2 tsp salt (see note 2 below)
1 tsp nutmeg powder

tbsp = tablespoon
tsp = teaspoon


  • Grind the salt, peppercorns, coriander and cumin seeds
  • Add to a bowl
  • Finally, add the cayenne, nutmeg, onion, mustard, garlic and paprika powders. Combine everything thoroughly

Store your homemade popcorn seasoning in a cool place in an airtight jar out of direct sunlight. Use within 3 months.

Note: Dry toasting the peppercorns, cumin and coriander seeds before cooling and grinding will add even more flavour to your blend. See the grinding page for info on this. (Link opens in new window)

Note 2: I use a quality sea/rock salt for this recipe which I recommend. If you only have it available, regular table salt will also work.

Ingredient Note:
 I use a few whole spices for this recipe. If you don't have whole to hand, you can use their pre-ground versions and reduce the amount the recipe requires by half. So instead of 2 tablespoons of coriander seeds you would use 1 tablespoon of pre-ground coriander
. Reduce any other ingredients you don't have whole by half as well and stir in with any other powders when making.

Using Your Popcorn Flavouring

How to Use: For 2 servings of corn I combine 4-5 tablespoons of melted butter with about 1½ tablespoons of the seasoning which I then pour over the freshly cooked corn.

I then give it all a good shake so it gets evenly coated and serve.

Note: There is a teaspoon or two of salt in the homemade popcorn seasoning. However, some folks may enjoy more salt. If so, you can sprinkle over some more after making.

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